Course and free-fall jump AFF / IAFF
IAFF jump
This program is intended for people who already did a tandem jump or static line jump and want to try free-fall with supervising instructors. The program consists of a ground school, which is same as for AFF, and single free-fall jump. If the participant decides to continue in course she can buy remaining jumps and turn the course into regular AFF.
- The course is conducted on the most modern parachute wings called – Falcon type. These sets are in tandem arrangement on your back and are equipped with a main and reserve parachute.
- Each set is equipped with cypres security device, which is used to automatically activate the reserve parachute in case of a major failure without the intervention of a parachutist.
- You will be equipped with a jumpsuit, helmet, goggles, altimeter, acoustic altimeter and radio for communicating with an instructor while flying on a parachute.
- You need a medical certificate from an aero-doctor and sports shoes to jump. Everything else you get from our instructor.

AFF -Accelerated Free Fall training
The Accelerated Free-fall Program equips novice skydivers with free-fall and canopy control skills through a nine level program, designed to teach you to skydive. Safety is greatly enhanced by direct-in-air jumpmaster supervision. To ensure safety for you and other skydivers, you must demonstrate proficiency on one level before progressing to the next. Prior to you first supervised free-fall you have to make either one static line jump (immediate automatic main canopy opening) or one tandem jump. This is required due to regulation rules in Czech Republic. This jump is included in price of the whole course.
Three Training Skydives with Two Instructors
Your first AFF jump requires six to eight hours of ground school. Two jumpmasters are assigned to each individual student and, weather permitting, you will be able to “suit up” and make your skydive! This provides for 40 seconds of free-fall directly supervised by two certified jumpmasters and allows you to land your parachute with radio instruction. During your second and third training jumps you continue to learn the basic movements of body flight and ground reference awareness as you fall with your jumpmasters next to you.
Four Training Skydives with One Instructor
You learn basic control during free-fall such as minor turns and forward flight, the skills required for more precise turns, forward movement, spotting (directing the aircraft to a safe exit point), and more advanced maneuvers, including loops and recovery from planned unstable body positions. When you are ready you will give your instructor a “solo” demonstration of the skills you have learned. You will be required to have this final phase of your student training filmed so you can review with your instructor your performance.
Graduation Skydive. Hop-N-Pop (low altitude jump; immediate opening of main canopy). Jump solo your first time!